Wednesday, August 23, 2017



Nangyarkoothu, a classical art form of Kerala, is a popular temple art form of Kerala. The art form was performed by Nangyars, the female members of the Nambiar community and hence this name. This art form evolved from Kutiyattam, is performed by females only and the very same facial make up and costumes of the female characters of Kutiyattam are used for this too.

Srikrishna Charitham, the story of Lord Krishna is the story often presented in Nangyarkoothu (Nangyar Koothu). It takes 12 days to present the entire story. Mizhavu, a percussion instrument is used for the background score. There is no dialogue and the story is presented via hand gestures. This too was presented only in Koothambalams or temple theaters within temple premises in the earlier days.


Pulikali (puli means leopard and kali means play) is a dance performed by men adorning the costume of leopard. It is performed in different ...